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Privacy policy

Online privacy is taken very seriously at Your information will never be sold to third parties outside this system. Your information is only accessible by ClubReg staff and Customer ("Club") administrators. ClubReg has never and will never send out advertisements for products or services to your email address. We consider that Spam and do our best to avoid it.

ClubReg only allows two types of emails to be sent. Event Confirmation emails are sent for events for which you are currently registered. The other type are Broadcast emails where the various Clubs you have previously participated with can contact you. You may opt out of the Broadcast email through your profile but not the Confirmation emails unless you cancel your attendance.

ClubReg does not at any point during your transaction have access to your financial information. Emailed requests to make additional charges to your credit card are not possible because of this. All financial matters are handled by a third-party for security purposes.